Declutter Your Home, What to Get Rid of


Before you know it, your home can feel overwhelming with all the items you have accumulated over the years. When you look closely in each one of your rooms, you’ll see magazines, stuffed animals, random things you don’t use or look at. You don’t know where to start when you see all of this junk! I am here to help you with a decluttering plan that will make getting rid of unnecessary things easy. Ready to feel relaxed in your home? Let’s get to it!

Do it Step by Step


Take it one step at a time, don’t do the entire house in one day! That will become way too overwhelming, and you might just say forget about it. You don’t want that to happen. To not get yourself overwhelmed, go room by room.

Make a list of the rooms that are most important to you. Or rooms that people see when they come into your house. You want guests to feel welcomed, not anxious about all the items you have in your home. These rooms will most likely be the living room, bathroom, dining room, and kitchen. Mark these as a top priority on your list!

Next, pick rooms that will make you more comfortable once cleaned up. Spaces such as your bedroom, the kids’ bedrooms, playroom, and your home office. After that, make a list of all the other rooms in the house.

Next to each room, jot down a day you are free to thoroughly go through it. You want to pick a day you have a good amount of time so you can really think about the items you want to throw away.


Prepare yourself for keeping things and throwing some away. Have a trash can or empty box and label them “keep” or “throw-away.” Have one or a couple of these to bring to each room.

Ask Yourself These Questions

When you’re going through things that you might want to throw away, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Could I use this space for something else?
  2. Are you ever going to read this letter/card ever again? Or was it night to just read once?
  3. Have you worn this piece of clothing in the last year?
  4. Is it expired?
  5. Is there duplicates of the same thing?
  6. Is this an item I use often?
  7. Is it broken? Am I going to ever fix it?
  8. Does this object make me sad?
  9. Have your kids grown out of it?
  10. Does it bring me joy?

Then, think these things through when searching through your items!

Where to Look

how to declutter home

Make sure you go through cabinets, drawers, pantries, closets, and boxes. You’ll be surprised at what you find! You’ll find things you didn’t even know you had and don’t ever use. It will feel amazing to throw it away!

The Keepers

Once you figure out what you would like to keep, make a particular spot for them so you can find them when you need them!

Feel Relieved

Imagine the feeling once you are all done! Decluttering may be time-consuming, but absolutely worth it! You won’t feel as overwhelmed and neither will your guests!

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