Different Types of Fire Places


Winter is well on its way, and there is nothing better than cuddling up by the fireplace with a great book and some hot chocolate. But, of course, if you don’t have a fireplace, this setting is only happening in your dreams. But, you can make your dream come alive by adding a fireplace to your home.

Fireplaces come in all different shapes, sizes, and designs. So which one is the best option for your home? When you are done reading this article, you will have a good understanding of how each one works, along with the pros and cons and what will be the perfect fireplace for your home. So let’s heat things up!

Wood Burning Fireplace


Wood burning fireplaces are the most popular form of fireplaces because, well, they are natural wood-burning fires! That fantastic smell is all around the house, and your home is instantly heated. They are usually big and beautiful. Most likely a statement piece in your living room. Yes, they are incredible fireplaces, but they are also the hardest to maintain and a bit of a hassle.

It would be best to clean the chimney and the ashes out of the fireplace. Next, you need to purchase extra fireplace equipment to keep your home safe such as a fire screen. This is also one of the most expensive options. Not every home can slap a wood-burning fireplace up because of the structural elements of your home. But if you admit about one being placed on your home, a professional will most likely be able to make it happen.

Gas Fireplace

Instead of burning wood, these gas fireplaces burn natural gas. There are two types of gas fireplaces, direct vent fireplaces, and vent-less fireplaces. This leaves you with lots of options for the structure and style of your home. You can make this look like a real wood-burning fireplace with ceramic wood that looks like the real thing. You can also take a modern spin on this and use glass beads for the fire to come from.

Gas fireplaces are extremely simple to use. With the click of a button, the fire is turned on and off!

Electric Fireplace

Electric fireplaces are the easiest to incorporate into a space. They require no venting or an actual flame. All you need is an outlet to plug it into! Electric fireplaces give you the feel and aesthetic of one without spending an arm and a leg for a fireplace.

Since they don’t come with a chimney and don’t make ashes, they are easier to maintain!

Ethanol Fireplace


Ethanol fireplaces are a new technology in the fireplace world and have become extremely popular. They can be used anywhere in the house because they require no ventilation. These do not give off much heat like those above but look stunning in a home. However, because ethanol is flammable, you have to be careful filling the ethanol back up.

If you want to keep a modern style in your home, this fireplace is for you!

Adding an Element of Beauty

Fire can be a beautiful thing when handled with care. They add warmth and beauty to a home. So snuggle up by the fireplace with your loved ones this winter with any of these incredible options above!

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