How a Window Cover for Winter Protects Against Snow and Ice

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Covering basement window wells is always a good idea, but is essential in the winter! Homeowners with window wells face a unique challenge when choosing window covers for cold weather while trying to winter proof windows. Winter window covers need to help keep basement window wells clear during snow and ice season and protect your home from cold air and severe storms.

What are the best types of window well covers for winter?

The best types of window well covers for winter proofing windows include sloped, flat, atrium dome, and super slant window well covers. These covers provide protection from snow and ice, help maintain a warmer basement temperature by keeping snow and ice away from your windows, prevent leakage into the basement, and ensure clear egress window exits for safety.

Winter Window Covers for Basement Wells

The best way to cover up window wells in winter depends on the type of window well you have and the protection you need from the cover when you winterize basement windows.

Polycarbonate Covers

Polycarbonate covers provide some thermal protection for basement window insulation. Many basement windows are single-pane, and conduct cold very easily. Sliding basement windows are great, but can allow in some cold during the winter without a window cold blocker. The best window well covers will keep the snow and ice away from the basement windows. When you cover windows for winter, you prevent heat loss from the cold from conducting through the glass, keeping the basement noticeably warmer.

For enhanced thermal protection, our Polycarbonate Covers are designed to prevent heat loss through single-pane or Sliding Egress Windows.

Sloped Window Well Covers

50x36 sloped window well cover protecting against snow

Sloped Window Well Covers are one of the most common ways homeowners keep window wells snow and ice-free. These covers will protect your home with 400 pounds of static weight load protection, as well as keep your wells dry the rest of the year. The sloped curve of the well cover makes it easy to clear snow from your window well.

Flat Window Well Covers

flat window well cover with snow and birds

Flat Window Well Covers protect window wells from filling up with snow by forming a protective barrier over the well, preventing snow from falling into the well and blocking your window. Strong polycarbonate well covers can support up to 400 pounds of static weight.

Atrium Dome Covers

atrium dome window well cover protecting against snow

Atrium Window Well Covers are amazing at keeping your well free from snow. The extra height will allow a crank-out window to open easily for escape – no snow to interfere with the window, and the cover is custom-made to allow for emergency egress.

Super Slant Covers

polycarbonate super slant cover

Super Slant Covers are the best window well covers we make. This new window cover to keep cold out includes all the features that are extra-cost options on our other covers. Options include mesh or solid UV-treated polycarbonate sides, a hinged top for easy access, and cover locks for security.

Metal Grates

In lovely weather, steel mesh Metal Window Well Grates will provide 24/7 ventilation to your basement areas. This is an amazing benefit for nine months of the year. However, drafty windows are an enemy during the colder months. A Plastic Top Cover will be essential for keeping out the weather.

A steel bar grate that has wide gaps between the bars will need more assistance keeping the well clear – like a custom-made plastic top cover for metal egress window grate. These clear covers will keep moisture and debris out of the well, and they are easily “snapped off” for easy ventilation in warmer weather. These top covers are made of the same polycarbonate material as our sloped and flat window well covers. We use high-quality UV-treated plastic that won’t turn yellow, crack, or shatter with impact.

Egress window well exits will stay clear through the cold weather season with a cover. This is by far one of the most important reasons of them all for the family’s safety. Many egress windows crank out into the window well, and if the well is full of ice and snow, no escape is possible.

Having a basement window well cover helps winterize your home and prevents snow and ice from melting and leaking into the basement during spring. This ensures that the basement stays dry and free from debris in the window wells. A window cover for winter also helps maintain a warmer basement and ensures the safety of egress window exits. 

When considering which cover to invest in, prioritize functionality, pleasing appearance, and return on investment. Opting for quality covers from trusted suppliers may initially seem like a larger investment, but in the long run, it saves you both time and money by providing durable products, protection for the property, and peace of mind. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us for guidance tailored to your unique needs.

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